More Christ | More Courage

Less Worry, More Whimsy

Need more courage, wonder, and whimsy in your life?

Feeling fearful, exhausted, and deflated like a leftover birthday balloon? My podcast, taken from my daily radio broadcast, is a simple One-Minute Way to uplift your day that points you to Jesus. Who wants us to live
Wildly Abundant Lives.

Feeling fearful, exhausted, and deflated like a leftover birthday balloon? My podcast, taken from my daily radio broadcast, is a simple One-Minute Way to uplift your day that points you to Jesus.

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One-Minute Wow Words

Lisa's devotionals can be found on life 88.5
at 12:20pm and 11:20 pm every day.

a picture of a kintsugi bowl

Kintsugi and God

A bamboo forest


a bowl of jelly beans

Jelly Bellies

Changing the world for the better!

Read what newspapers have printed about Lisa.

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Local Author Wins Silver Illumination Book Award

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Local author gives so much to those around her

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Lisa Wilt Receives Illumination Book Award

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